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“我是世界上最老的年轻人!”百岁时尚潮奶奶Iris Apfel 教会我们受用一生的经典语录

“我是世界上最老的年轻人!”百岁时尚潮奶奶Iris Apfel 教会我们受用一生的经典语录

总是一副大眼镜搭配华丽至极的服装,这就是艾瑞丝爱普菲尔(Iris Apfel)。1921年出生的她现在已经100岁了,却有着跟年轻人一样的好奇心和活力,她是室内设计师,同时也跨界设计过包款配件,另外还有纪录片《时尚天后的缤纷人生Iris》,多种身分,其实我们很难用一句话来界定她是谁,但关于她的风格,倒是鲜明得让我们可以一语道破。


Iris Apfel 欢庆100岁生日

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Iris Apfel 经典名言——关于自己


I see myself as the world’s oldest living teenager.


I’m a color person, I’ve never been known to play it safe. Plus I like big bags. My eyeglasses are so big; they don’t fit into smaller bags.


I don’t count myself as a fashionista because I do a lot of other things. That’s just a small part of my life.

Iris Apfel 经典名言——华丽至上


Coco Chanel said take one thing off. I always said put another one on.


I’m not a minimalist, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.


More is more and less is a bore.

Iris Apfel 经典名言——关于风格

“风格就是态度,态度,态度!” (很重要所以说三次)

Style is attitude, attitude, attitude!


Fashion you can buy, but style you possess.


You’re not pretty, and you’ll never be pretty. But, it doesn’t matter. You have something much better. You have style.

Iris Apfel 经典名言——穿搭哲学


I don’t dress to be stared at, I dress for myself.


I was never hurt by what anybody said about my clothes,because I dress to please myself. If somebody doesn’t like what I’m wearing, it’s their problem, not mine.


When you don’t dress like everybody else, you don’t have to think like everybody else.


If you put something together and it doesn’t look so good, the fashion police are not going to come and take you away.And if they do, you might have some fun in jail.

Iris Apfel 经典名言——配件狂想曲


If there was a choice on spending a lot of money on accessories or dress, I always chose accessories. I think jewelry can change an outfit more than anything else.



My mother worshipped at the alter of accessories and I got the bug. She always said, if you have a good, little, simple black dress and you have different accessories, you can have 27 different outfits.


I used to collect frames. I’ve been collecting accessories since I was 11-years-old, creeping around flea markets and sales and everything. Whenever I saw unusual eyeglass frames, I bought them.

Iris Apfel 经典名言——年龄非秘密


If you’re lucky enough to get old, I think you should celebrate it.


You don’t have to look like an old fuddy-duddy, but I believe it was Chanel who said, ‘Nothing makes a woman look so old as trying desperately hard to look young’. I think you can be attractive at any age. I think trying to look like a spring chicken when you’re not makes you look ridiculous.

Iris Apfel 经典名言——生命旅程


You only have one trip. You might as well enjoy it.


You have to be interested. If you’re not interested, you can’t be interesting.


In my view you can’t go to the future if you haven’t come from the past.


Everything that’s happened to me, nothing’s been planned. I’ve never had a business plan. I just kind of fell into it, and I liked it, and I took a chance. I took a lot of chances in my life.




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