椒盐肉松脆茄子 Crispy Eggplant with Slat & Pepper

1. 将材料B混合成脆浆面糊待用。
2. 将茄子切成条状,沾了脆浆糊料后放入热油中炸至金黄色。(图1-3)
3. 把调味料撒在炸好的茄子上,放入肉松。(图4-5)
4. 最后加入红椒茸和青葱粒。(图6)

A:1 eggplant, 100g meat floss, ½ red chili (chopped), 1 stalk spring onion , 250ml
oil for deep frying
B:400g plain flour, 150g corn flour, 40g baking powder, 500ml water
【Seasoning】mix well
1 tsp 5 spiced powder, 1 tsp chicken powder,½ tsp salt
1. Mixes ingredients B into batter.
2. Cut eggplant into strips, dip with batter and deep fry in hot oil until golden
brown.(pic 1-3)
3. Sprinkle mixed seasoning on top of fried eggplant, top with meat floss.(pic 4-5)
4. Garnish with chopped red chili and spring onion.(pic 6)

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