蜜糖烤燕麦Honey Granola

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材料: 10 份
A: A 蛋白 2 粒、黄糖 75 克、盐 ¼ 茶匙、ALCE NERO 有机槐花蜜 ¼ 杯、ALCE
NERO 纯橄榄油 ¼ 杯、香草精 1 茶匙(随意)、传统燕麦350克、玉米片110克(略
捣碎)、太阳花籽 80 克、瓜子 40 克、亞麻子 45 克
B: 巧克力茸 75 克、橙皮茸适量
1. 把烤炉预热至 175℃,烤盘铺油纸或只是涂油。
2. 把蛋白、黄糖及盐搅拌至发起,然后加入 ALCE NERO 有机槐花蜜和 ALCE
NERO 纯橄榄油,搅拌至细滑,然后加入其余 A 料,拌均后倒入烤盘里。
3. 放入烤炉烤 35-40 分钟或至金黄色,中途翻转材料使之均匀。
4. 把烤盘取出,撒上巧克力茸,让它溶解后再拌入橙皮茸。
5. 让燕麦完全冷却后才收藏,可当零食或配优葛享用。

Ingredients: serve 10
A: 2 A egg whites, 75 g dark brown sugar,¼ heaped tsp salt, ¼ cup ALCE NERO
Organic Acacia honey, ¼ cup ALCENERO extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp pure vanilla extract[optional], 50g old-
fashioned rolled oats, 110g cornflakes (coarselycrushed), 80 g sunflower seeds, 40g melon seeds, 45g flax seeds
B: 75 g grated chocholate,grated orange rind
1. Preheat oven to175℃ . Line a baking sheet with a silpat or parchment paper
or just grease and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together egg whites, brown sugar and salt until slightly stiff peaks form. Add ALCE NERO honey, ALCE NERO extra virgin olive oil until smooth. Add in all other ingredients A and stir to coat. Spread onto your lined baking mat in an even layer.
3. Bake for about 35 – 40 minutes or until granola is golden, rotating pan halfway through.
4. Remove pan from oven onto a wire rack. Sprinkle with the grated chocolate and stir to coat, allowing the chocolate to melt. Grate in the orange rind too.
5. Let the granola cool on the baking sheet. Once cool, store in airtight containers and serve on top of your
yoghurt or as a snack.