腊味蒸芽菇 Steamed Waxed Meat with Nga Ku

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1. 芽菇削皮切片,加入调味料A,捞匀腌1⁄2小时。(图1-2)
2. 腊肠、腊鸭腿川烫滚水后,切片排放在芽菇片上。(图3-5)
3. 淋入绍兴酒后,以中火蒸约30分钟即可。(图6)

200g Hga Ku (arrowhead), 1 pair Chinese sausages, 1 waxed whole-leg duck
A:1⁄4 tsp sugar, 1⁄4 tsp salt, 1⁄2 tsp chicken powder

B:1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
1. Skinned Nga Ku and cut into slices and then marinate with seasoning A for 1⁄2 hour. (pic 1-2)
2. Blanch Chinese sausages and waxed duck in boiling water and then cut into slices; place on top of Nga
Ku. (pic 3-5)
3. Pour in Chinese cooking wine and steam in medium heat for 30 minutes, done. (pic 6)