宫保鸡丁拌饭 Szechuan Gong Bao Chicken Over Rice

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生粉2茶匙、蛋白1⁄2 粒、黑胡椒粉少许、盐1⁄2茶匙
【酱汁材料】 混合
1. 用手把鸡肉腌妥,然后收入冰箱至少20分钟。(图2)
2. 起锅热适量油,把鸡肉放入泡油(摊开不要重叠),当一边鸡肉转白时即可翻面泡另一面,转白后即可盛出沥油,避免过熟(图3)
3. 留3汤匙油在锅,小火把辣椒干爆至香脆(但别烧焦)。
4. 加入蒜头,姜及花椒,将鸡肉回镬,倒入酱汁材料和蒜菜,大火炒均即可。(图4-6)
5. 迅速拌入花生,然后盛出,淋在白饭上吃。(图7)

【Chicken marinade】
2 tsps cornflour, 1⁄2 egg white, a few shakes of black pepper,1⁄4 tsp of salt
【Sauce】combine all
1 tbsp black rice vinegar, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp dark soya sauce, 2 tsps castor sugar or to taste, 3-4
tbsps chicken stock or water, 1⁄2 tsp cornflour
1. Marinade chicken with hands, cover and leave in fridge for at least 20 minutes. (pic 2)
2. Heat sufficient cooking oil in a wok over medium heat, add the chicken and spread it out into a single layer. When chicken has turned white at the sides (high heat), turn over and stir. Do not overcook. (pic 3)
3. Pour away the oil leaving 3 Tablespoons of oil in the wok, fry the dried chilies, in very low heat, until crisp
but not burnt.
4. Add garlic, ginger and Szechuan peppercorns to the wok. Return chicken to the wok, pour the sauce and
add leek into the wok, stirring all the time at high heat. (pic 4-6)
5. Stir in peanuts and dish up, serve straightaway over the rice. (pic 7)