黑椒猪扒 Black Pepper Pork Chop

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1. 夹心肉捶松,加入腌料拌匀,腌1⁄2小时备用。(图1-2)
2. 青、红甜椒切条放入已加少许糖及盐的沸水中,川烫片刻即可捞出排碟。(图3-4)
3. 把已腌好的肉扒,以不黏锅小火焗煎至两面呈金黄色及熟,盛起排入甜椒边。(图5)
4. 将黑椒酱汁煮滚后,浇在猪扒上即可。(图6)

2 slices pork shoulder, 1⁄2 each of green & red capsicum
1⁄2 tbsp soy sauce, dash of salt & black pepper powder
【Black pepper sauce】
3 tbsp black pepper sauce, 2 tsp oyster sauce, dash of sugar & black pepper powder, 3 tbsp water
1.Loosen meat with meat tenderizer mallet and marinate with condiments for 30 minutes.(pic 1-2)
2.Blanch green & red capsicums in boiling water with dash of salt and sugar briefly and drain; arrange in plate.(pic 3-4)
3.Sear marinated meat in non-stick pan until both side turns brown and cooked; arrange beside capsicum.(pic 5)
4.Bring black pepper sauce to boil and pour over pork chop to serve.(pic 6)