豆腐蛋卤鸡 Fragrant Chicken With Eggs And Beancurd

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NutriPlus全鸡1只(斩小件)、NutriPlus Omega-3 菜园鸡、蛋6粒(煮熟剥壳)、豆腐3块(切小块)、食油1汤匙、麻油1茶匙、蒜茸1汤匙、白糖3汤匙、清水800毫升
小葱头6粒、连皮蒜头3瓣、蓝姜50克(切片)、桂皮5公分, 八角5粒、丁香10粒、甘草2片、草果2片、辣椒干4条
1. 将鸡肉斩小件;鸡蛋煮熟剥壳备用。(图1-3)
2. 起锅热油,把豆腐炸至金黄色。(图4)
3. 锅里留少许热油,淋入麻油,把蒜头爆香,然后加入糖,煮至溶解成焦糖。(图5)
4. 加入清水、酱料和香料煮滚,放入鸡块,以小火焖煮30分钟。(图6-7)
5. 把豆腐和鸡蛋加入,再焖5-6分钟即可盛出。(图8)

1 whole NutriPlus Chicken, 6 hard boiled NutriPlus Telur Kampung Omega-3 Eggs, 3 pieces bean curd
(cut into pieces), 1 tbsp oil,1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp. minced garlic, 3 tbsp sugar, 800 ml water
6 shallots (peeled and lightly crushed), 3 cloves garlic(keep skin on), 50g galangal (sliced), 5cm
cinnamon stick, 5 star anise, 10 cloves, 2 pieces licorice stick, 2 pieces chao guo, 4 dried chillies
150 ml light soy sauce, 2 tbsp oyster sauce, ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper
1. Cut chicken into chunky pieces; cook eggs with hot water, peel eggs under running water. (pic 1-3)
2. Heat oil in a wok and deep fry bean curd pieces until lightly golden. Dish out. (pic 4)
3. Keep some oil in wok, add in sesame oil, saute garlic briefly. Put in sugar. Cook until sugar turns
into a light caramel. (pc 5)
4. Pour in water, sauce and spices ingredients, bring to a boil. Toss in all chicken pieces and allow to
simmer over medium low heat for 30 minutes. (pic 6-7)
5. Add bean curd pieces and the eggs, simmer for about 5 – 6 minutes, done. (pic 8)