美奶滋烤三文鱼 Baked Mayonnaise Salmon Steak

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三文鱼2块、Lady’s Choice美奶滋4大匙、蚝油2汤匙、胡椒粉1茶匙、盐1茶匙、樱桃番茄1盒、柠檬1颗(切块)、橄榄油适量
1. 将烤箱预热200℃。
2. 三文鱼洗净后,用厨房纸巾吸干水份,备用。
3. 将三文鱼肉均匀地抹上少许的盐和胡椒粉,再涂上蚝油。(图1)
4. 接着是美奶滋,只需涂在表面即可送入烤箱,烤10分钟。(图2-3)
5. 同时,也可将樱桃番茄和柠檬淋上橄榄油和撒上盐,和三文鱼一起烤,作为伴菜。
6. 享用前,一定要挤上柠檬汁,风味更佳。

2 blocks salmon, 4 tbsp mayonnaise, 2 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp pepper, 1 tsp salt, 1 box cherry tomato, 1 lemon (cutwedges), some olive oil
1. Pre-heat oven to 200℃.
2. Wash salmon and pat dry with paper towel.
3. Place the flesh side of salmon facing up, spread with dash of salt and pepper and then coat with oyster sauce.(pic 1)
4. Top with mayonnaise and bake in oven for 10 minutes.(pic 2-3)
5. Marinate cherry tomato and lemon with some olive oil and salt and salmon at the same time.

6. Drizzle some lemon juice on top before serving.