玫瑰巧克力球 Rose Chocolate Rocher

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黑巧克力100克、鲜奶油65克、牛油3克、Julie’s Love Letters Strawberry Flavoured Cream5支
1. 先把黑巧克力煮溶。
2. 接着把奶油煮热,与溶解黑巧克力搅拌均匀。(图1-2)
3. 加入牛油搅拌均匀。(图3)
4. 最后拌入碎威化饼。(图4)
5. 将混合料收入冰箱凝结。
6. 取出凝结材料搓成小圆球。(图5)
7. 再收入冰箱定型。
8. 煮溶白巧克力,把黑巧克力球沾溶解白色巧克力。(图6)
9. 撒上碎玫瑰干即可。(图7-8)

100g dark chocolate, 65g cream, 3g butter, 5 slices Julie’s Love Letters Strawberry Flavoured Cream
(crushed), 5 white chocolate, dried rose petals (crushed)
1. Melt the dark chocolate.
2. Boil cream and pour onto the melted chocolate. Mix well. (pic 1-2)
3. Add in butter and mix well. (pic 3)
4. Fold in crushed wafer. (pic 4)
5. Chill the mixture in fridge until set.
6. Take out mixture and shape into small balls. (pic 5)
7. Chill the chocolate balls.
8. Melt the white chocolate, dip black chocolate balls into melted white chocolate. (pic 6)
9. Roll the chocolate balls in crushed dried rose petals.(pic 7-8)