水煮蛋蘑菇 Poached Egg on Portabella

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1. 把蘑菇洗净去蒂,放入烤炉里以180℃烤5分钟,然后取出,撒上少许盐和胡椒粉。(图1)
2. 起锅热橄榄油,用蒜茸炒菠菜,以少许盐和胡椒粉调味即可。(图2)
3. 把炒菠菜填入蘑菇有蒂的那面,然后铺上水煮荷包蛋。(图4)
4. 在水煮荷包蛋上面淋上Rosso酱料,即可享用。(图5)

1. 用平底锅煮水,加入2汤匙白醋。(图6)
2. 先把鸡蛋打入碗或杯子里。
3. 把滚水搅动,成漩涡状,以便蛋白围着蛋黄。慢慢把鸡蛋加入,加盖熄火闷3分钟即可。(图7-8)
4. 用滤洞汤匙把蛋取出,放在餐巾上吸干即可。

2 eggs, 2 large portabella mushroom, 80g spinach, 1 tsp chopped garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil
Dash of salt and pepper, 2 tsp Presto Rosso (store bought)

1. Poach 2 eggs (refer method on poaching egg) .
2. Bake portabella mushroom in oven at 180℃for 5 minutes, remove from oven and sprinkle dash of salt & pepper on top.(pic 1)
3. Stir-fry spinach with garlic and olive oil, season with dash of salt and pepper.(pic 2)
4. Put stir-fried spinach on top of mushroom stem; and then top with poached egg.(pic 3-4)
5. Spoon presto rosso on top of egg to serve. (pic 5)
【Method on poaching egg】
1. Add 2 tbsp of vinegar to a pan of steadily simmering water.(pic 6)
2. Crack eggs individually into a ramekin or cup.
3. Create a gentle whirlpool in the water to help the egg white wrap around the yolk. Slowly tip the egg into the water, then cover with lid and off the heat to cook for 3 minutes.(pic 7-8)
4. Remove with a slotted spoon, cutting off any wispy edges using the edge of the spoon. Drain onto kitchen paper.