家乡小炒鸡球 Stir-fried Chicken Meat

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A:生粉½茶匙、 油1汤匙、盐少许
1. 将鸡腿去骨切片,以调味料A拌匀,然后过油,捞出滤油备用。
2. 将青红辣椒开半切段。
3. 烧热2汤匙油,爆香姜片、蒜片、豆豉及葱白,接着放入大蒜和青红辣椒以大火爆炒至香,然后加入鸡肉炒熟。(图1-5)
4. 加入调味料B兜炒均匀, 勾茨, 便可上碟。(图6-8)

1 chicken whole leg, 3nos green chilli, 3nos red chilli, 10g ginger slices, 10g spring onion White part, cut
sections), 10g garlic slices, 20g black bean paste, 2 stalks Chinese leek
A:½ tsp potato starch, 1tbsp oil, dash of salt
B: 1 tsp light soy sauce, ½ tbsp oyster sauce, ½ tsp dark soy sauce, ½ tsp chicken powder, ½ tsp potato
1. Cut chicken wholeleg into thick slices, marinate with seasoning A and then blanch in hot oil; drain.
2. Halve both chilli vertically and then cut into sections. (pic 1-5)
3. Heat up 2 tbsp oil in wok, stir-fry ginger, garlic, black bean paste and spring onion until fragrant,
toss in chicken meat until cooked.
4. Add in seasoning B and thicken with starch, dish out. (pic 6-8)