奥地利皇家煎饼 Kaiserschmarrn

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1. 将蛋黄和蛋白分开,备用。
2. 取一干净容器打发蛋白;将海盐和细砂糖分2次加入蛋白,打发至干性发泡,备用。(图1)
3. 低筋面粉过筛后,加入牛奶与蛋黄混合均匀。(图2)
4. 将打发蛋白分2-3次以切拌的方式,轻轻拌入粉料至均匀。(图3-4)
5. 取一平底锅,将无盐奶油融化后,倒入面糊,撒上葡萄干,煎至两面上色,用铲子切成块状,上碟,配以果酱享用。(图5)

3 eggs, 150ml milk, 120g superfine flour, 1 tbsp castor sugar, ½ tsp sea salt, 10g unsalted butter, some raisin & fruit jam
1. Separate egg yolk and whites.
2. Whisk egg whites until fluffy, and then add in sugar at two intervals, continue to whisk to peak, set aside. (pic1)
3. Sift flour and mixes with milk and egg yolk. (pic 2)
4. Add peak egg white into flour mixture at 2-3 times until well mixed. (pic 3-4)
5. Melt butter at pan, pour In batter and sprinkle raisin on top, sear until both sides turns brown; dish out and serve with fruit jam. (pic 5)