八仙汤 Goddess Soup

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1. 鸡肉切丁;虾仁去壳洗净、猪肠切段备用。(图1-3)
2. 花生、薏仁先加入清水煮1小时。
3. 加入莲子、红枣、龙眼干,继续煮15分钟。(图4)
4. 最后加入全部材料A煮熟。(图5)
5. 倒入调味料试味后即可上桌。(图6)

A:100g lean meat , 100g chicken meat , 200g shrimp, 30g intestine
B:50g dried Longan, 80g peanut, 80g lotus seed, 30g barley, 10 pc red dates, soaked all), 1.5 litre water
Dash of salt and MSG
1. Diced chicken meat; shelled and wash shrimp; cut intestine in sections. (pic 1-3)
2. Boil peanut and barley with water for 1 hour.
3. Add in lotus seed, red dates and dried Longan, continue boiling for 15 minutes. (pic 4)
4. Add in ingredients A and continue boiling until cooked. (pic 5)
5. Add in seasoning and adjust to taste. (pic 6)